
Did some right to repair action!

I have been using the same Surface Laptop for maybe four years now. Last month the keyboard started going out; I lost about four of the keys. They went from having to mash them, to not working at all. I stole my wifes portable keyboard she uses for work this past month.

Thank goodness iFixit exists. I really didn't think they would have a keyboard, but what do you know? They did have the part I needed. Surfaces came in two ways, there are the fully cast aluminum ones, and the ones with the Alcantara material. Mine was of the aluminum type, black aluminum to be exact. So, I'm looking at the part, and black isn't in stock, and knowing the age of this Surface, what are the odds they would have it again. But they did have what they call Sandstone.

What to do? Well I wanted my Surface to be usable again, so Sandstone it is. It came in the mail today, and using the easy to follow guide on the iFixit website, I had everything back to normal in about 15 minutes. And to be honest, I think the laptop looks not only unique now, but pretty darn good.

All in all, I am very happy with things, and I cannot tell you how good it feels to do the repair myself. Here are a couple pictures so you can see how it looks.

My black surface laptop with it's new Sandstone kb and top.

Side view of my Surface Laptop after replacing top section with the only color I could get.

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